Dear participants,
We are glad to announce that the final test dataset will be publicly
available at the following link from today (Sep 30^th ) at 12:00 (CEST):
Please note that the evaluation phase will open on Oct 1^st at 00:00:00
(CEST), so it will NOT be possible to make submissions before this time.
However, you can start generating the submission files with your
solutions. Remember that you can only make a maximum of 5 submissions
each day, and in total each team can make up to 20 submissions. The
evaluation platform will accept submissions until October 15^th at
23:59:59 (CEST).
In the evaluation platform you will be able to find an anonymized
ranking with the 5 best scores at the moment. This may help assess how
good are your results compared to other teams. Each team will be
considered for its best score, regardless of whether it is the last
submission or not. Also, you will have access to a log with all the
submissions of your team registered in our platform and the scores
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any problems or need
help during the evaluation process.
Enjoy the challenge!
Challenge website:
Best regards,
José Suárez-Varela
Barcelona Neural Networking center
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya