To whom it may concern:


I have graduated from the international Master program “Network Services and Systems” at KTH, Royal Institute of Technology. I presented a conference paper we published based on my master’s thesis at CrownCom2010 on 9th of June where I had the chance to meet Professor Akyildiz and listen to his interesting key note speech.


By going through the N3Cat web pages and reading some of the recent publications in the area of nano-networks, in particular the features and challenges mentioned in “Electromagnetic Wireless Nanosensor Networks” paper, I became highly motivated to carry out research in this field and apply for a Graduate Research Assistantship at NaNoNetworking Center in Catalunya.


Please find my resume’ attached. I will be glad to provide further information.


Thanks in advance for considering my application and I look forward to hearing from you soon.



Amin Nahvi


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Amin Nahvi


KTH, Royal Institute of Technology

