To whom it may concern, 
I read your paper "Time-Domain Analysis of Graphene-based Miniaturized Antennas for Ultra-short-range Impulse Radio Communications" and found it very intriguing. I liked the idea of complete time domain analysis for different career mobility and chemical potential of graphene based antenna.I also read "Graphene-Enabled Wireless Communication for Massive Multicore Architectures".I liked the fact how the paper discusses explicitly how graphene antenna can be used in WNoC in terahertz band where antenna size is stringent specially in multicore processors. Fascinating by this researches, I found your website which suggests that you are recruiting graduate students in your lab. 
I would like to introduce myself as a student of Department of Applied Physics, Electronics and Communication Engineering; University of Chittagong; Bangladesh. I have completed my B.Sc. in Engineering degree in December 2016 with a CGPA of 3.64 out of 4.0. I have also secured an IELTS score of 7.5 out of 9.0. I would like to apply for Masters with an aim at getting a PhD  down the road in Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.

I have completed courses that are related to Communications such as Signals and Systems, Telecommunication and Switching,Microwave Engineering, Computer Networking, Wireless Communication, Communication Theory, Optical Fiber Communications etc. These courses were designed in such way that it shaped my basic knowledge of Communication Engineering. I am also skilled in MATLAB Communication Toolbox. I am currently working on a project of developing hybrid plasmonic antenna based on graphene on simulation.

I would like to know about the research opportunities working with you. I would be very grateful if I get the chance to work and learn more interesting stuffs on graphene based wireless communication. I have attached my academic CV, Transcript and Cover Letter for further information.



Sakibul Azam

Dept. of Applied Physics, Electronics and Communication Engineering

University of Chittagong
