Dear sir/madam,

I am writing to enquire about the availability of a research scientist position in your laboratory. I am currently a project engineer & a post doctoral researcher in the National Nanotechnology Institute at Bilkent University in Ankara, Turkey, specializing in synthesis of nanomaterials, the associated fabrication of nanoscale devices, as well as the materials characterization and device performance analysis.

During my post-doctoral time (under the supervision of Dr. Ali Kemal Okyay (Stanford electrical engineering alumni) from the Electrical Engineering Department at Bilkent University, I pioneered work on the synthesis, stability and the use of semiconductor nanoparticles (e.g. Si, MoS2, II-VI, and III-V alloys) in thin film device applications such as thin film photodetectors and thin film memory cells. We demonstrated that 2-50 nm size semiconductor nanoparticles exhibit stability towards harsh & humid environments. These nanoparticles have been obtained in large quantities through laser ablation, with optical properties of these nanoparticles tailored by post-processing methods. As part of my research, I have fabricated silicon, molybdenate nanoparticle based photodiodes that operate well in UV/VIS range, which are of critical importance for next generation of photodetector and photovoltaic chips.

A prof-of-concept NIR range photodiode has been fabricated based on laser synthesized 3-36 nm indium nitride nanoparticles in collaboration with Dr. Dietz (Georgia State University Physics Department in order to replace expensive InGaAs based camera chips with inexpensive ones, aiming for efficient and low-cost NIR imaging systems.

In addition to photodiode applications, 2 nm silicon, 16 nm indium nitride nanoparticle and graphene nanoplalelet based memory chips have been fabricated in collaboration with Dr. Nayfeh (Masdar Institute, Microsystems engineering).We demonstrated that those semiconductor nanoparticles behave as effective charge storage centers for next generation miniaturized computer memory chips.

During my work at Bilkent University, I have published a comprehensive study on a UV/VIS range photodiode based on atomic layer deposition (ALD) grown ZnO thin films at various growth temperatures. In this comprehensive study, the photodiode responsivity characteristics and as well as electrical resistivity characteristics of ZnO thin films have been detailed. This work is pioneering with regard of the use of an ALD grown wide-bandgap semiconductor thin film in photodiode applications, which may lead towards next generation of UV sensor chips and environmental detectors.  Further research results showed that semiconductor nanoparticles and graphene nanoplatelets are effective components to shape next generation electronics and photodetector applications. Collaborative work has been done with Dr. Brongersma (Stanford Materials Science) regarding the fabrication of Si/Ge multi- qauntum well (MQW) photodetector, as a competition to current Silicon photodetectors for space applications (J. Crystal growth 2015). I used effective focused ion beam (FIB) analysis on the Si/Ge MQW structure to determine defect composition for effective high-tech applications to rival current InGaAs and HgCdTe photodetectors for next generation telescope and IR bolometer applications that would provide lower cost and more effective imaging of nearby galaxies.

The results of my post-doctoral research have beeb published in various prestigious journals such as Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Optics Express, Materials Chemistry & Physics, Journal of Optics, Nature Photonics (highlights), Physica status solidi C, Physica status solidi A, Applied Physics Letters, and IEEE electron device letters.

 I completed my PhD dissertational work under the guidance of Dr. Jeff Krause (University of Florida, now program officer at Department of Energy, Optical Sciences Division) on computer simulations of silver nanoparticles and self assembled organic monolayers that may are of critical importance for biosensing applications. The study of azobenzene molecule as a molecular switch has been performed in computational environment using computational codes such as VASP and DLPOLY. Results of my dissertational work have been published in Journal of physical chemistry C, and Physical Review B. My graduate research work focused on providing new insight on understanding nanoparticle diffusions on complex surfaces and temperature dependent behaviour of self-assembled organic monolayers and molecular switches that are of critical importance for next generation molecular electronics & molecular computer applications.

During  my graduate years, I had the the opportunity to teach undergraduate chemistry labs and as well as a graduate level course on computer modelling and simulations in nanotechnology that prepared me well for a fascinating teaching position.

I strongly believe that my strong background in materials science, physical chemistry, nanotechnology and my diverse research experience that lead through cutting edge discoveries would makes me a great addition to your prestigious department and to your research environment.

I’m looking forward to hearing from you about the opportunities to contribute to your research program.  


Sincerely yours,


Dr. Sabri Alkis.