Dear Rahman,

Thank you for your interest.

Unfortunately, we do not have open postdoc positions right now. 
If we open a new position soon suitable to your characteristics, we will let you know.

Thanks again,
Sergi Abadal

El 27 sept. 2017 12:40 p. m., "Saifur Rahman" <> escribió:
Dear Sir
I am Saifur Rahman Sabuj, I have graduated in Information System Engineering from Kochi University of Technology on September 2017. I am writing to express my sincere interest to apply for Postdoctoral researcher under your Supervision.


Here is my profile for your kind consideration:

PhD CGPA: 4.00 (out of 4.00)


Publication of PhD thesis work:


1.      S. R. Sabuj and M. Hamamura, “Outage and Energy-Efficiency Analysis of Cognitive Radio Networks: A Stochastic Approach to Transmit Antenna Selection” Pervasive and Mobile Computing, Elsevier, 2017. IF: 2.34

2.      S. R. Sabuj and M. Hamamura, “Uplink Modeling of Cognitive Radio Network Using Stochastic Geometry” Performance Evaluation, Elsevier (Accepted). IF: 1.613

3.      S. R. Sabuj and M. Hamamura, “Two-slope Path-loss Design of Energy Harvesting in Random Cognitive Radio Networks” Computer Networks, Elsevier (under review). IF: 2.516

4.      S. R. Sabuj and M. Hamamura, “Signal Technique for Friend or Foe Detection of Intelligent Malicious User in Cognitive Radio Network” International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing, Inderscience (under review). IF: 0.705


Conference proceedings:

1.      S. R. Sabuj and M. Hamamura, “Random Cognitive Radio Network Performance in Rayleigh-Lognormal Environment” in Proc. IEEE CCNC, pp. 999-1004, Jan. 2017.

2.      S. R. Sabuj and M. Hamamura, “Energy Efficiency Analysis of Cognitive Radio Network using Stochastic Geometry” in Proc. IEEE CSCN, pp. 245-251, Oct. 2015.

3.      S. R. Sabuj M. Hamamura, and S. Kuwamura “Detection of Intelligent Malicious User in Cognitive Radio Network by Using Friend or Foe (FoF) Detection Technique” in Proc. ITNAC, pp. 155-160, Nov. 2015. (Session best paper award)

4.      S. R. Sabuj and M. Hamamura, “Approaches to the Dynamic Efficiency in Wireless Communications” in Proc. ISCIT, pp. 453-457, Sept. 2014.


Link of published journals:


Having already got some kind of experience on Cognitive Radio Network, I am highly motivated to work on topics such Molecular communication and Nano Networking with your group. I have read your group’s work and really interested to work those topics. That is why I have attached my Resume here for your proper considerations.

I would like to know if you are willing to take any new researcher. It would be a great opportunity for me to work with your team. Thank you.

Saifur Rahman Sabuj
Department of EEE
Bangladesh University
PhD Candidate
Kochi University of Technology  

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