[Apologies if you received multiple copies of this email]
Dear all,
As you participated in past editions of the Graph Neural Networking challenge, we think this may be of your interest.

We are delighted to invite you to the award ceremony of the Graph Neural Networking challenge 2021, which will be held online on Friday, November 12 between 14.00–15.30 CET.
Please save the date and feel free to forward this invitation to any colleagues that may be interested.

In this event, top-5 teams will present their solutions, and all of you will have the opportunity to ask questions and learn more about these solutions.

This will be the agenda (1h 30 mins):
0:00-0:20: Introduction and award announcements (BNN team)
0:20-1:20: Presentations of the top-5 solutions
1:20-1:30: Closing

Please, find the Zoom details below:
Meeting ID: 818 8378 9056
Passcode: 581662

Phone one-tap:
+12532158782,,81883789056#,,,,*581662# Estados Unidos (Tacoma)
+13017158592,,81883789056#,,,,*581662# Estados Unidos (Washington DC)

Looking forward to seeing you there.

Best regards,
José Suárez-Varela
Postdoctoral researcher
Barcelona Neural Networking center
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya