Dear Yawi,
Thanks to notifying us this bug. We have updated the docker image
solving this error. It is recommended that all participants update the
docker image using the following command:
*sudo docker pull bnnupc/netsim:v0.1*
Thanks again for your precise error report.
Best regards
Albert López
On 3/8/22 13:46, yawi yoga wrote:
When running the docker it often complains that packet size
probabilities don't sum to 1. For example:
"ERROR:root:0: Error using traffic matrix file
/data/tm/tm_00000_00000.txt at line 22. The sum of probabilities of
all packets sizes should be one"
In the above example, the line it complains about is the following:
After some checks it seems that the error is due to exact comparison
of float sum of probabilities to 1, which may be problematic with
floats - e.g. 0.44 + 0.48 + 0.08 is 0.99999999999 and so statement
"(0.44 + 0.48 + 0.08) == 1" returns False
Is there a newer version of the docker with this fixed?
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