Dear Mehrdad,

Thanks for reporting us this bug. The quick fix of yesterday only worked for Linux. I updated the repository and validation platform to fix the problem for Windows also.

Best regards


On 5/10/22 20:21, Fazli, Mehrdad (mf4yc) via Challenge2022 wrote:

Hi there,

I am trying to run the “quickstart.ipynb”. I set up a conda environment as instructed and ran the simulations. The dataset is generated. However, when I try to do the training I get the error message below:


Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "C:\Users\tara\Documents\GitHub\GNNetworkingChallenge\RouteNet_Fermi\", line 805, in __iter__

    results_file = tar.extractfile(os.path.join(,"simulationResults.txt"))

  File "C:\Users\tara\anaconda3\envs\GNN\lib\", line 2113, in extractfile

    tarinfo = self.getmember(member)

  File "C:\Users\tara\anaconda3\envs\GNN\lib\", line 1799, in getmember

    raise KeyError("filename %r not found" % name)

KeyError: "filename 'results_dataset1_0_9\\\\simulationResults.txt' not found"


I also attached the snapshot of the dataset directory on my machine. It appears that the samples are generated fine. I appreciate any help with this.




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Albert López
CBA System Administrator
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Telf: 93 4017182