Dear participants,
We found a small error in the document with the instructions for the evaluation phase. Particularly, to generate the output CSV format with your solutions you can use the following pseudo-code:
String = “”
For node_src in range (19):
For node_dst in range (19):
If node_src != node_dst:
String += str(delay[node_src, node_dst])+”;”
# New sample, new line
String +=”\n”
This skips the node pairs where the source and destination match, thus resulting in 342 src-dst delay values (i.e., 19 sources x 18 destinations = 342 values).
Please find attached a new version of the
instruction document fixing this error.
Also, to help you validate the format of your
submission files, I attach a ZIP file with the expected format
when applying a solution to our toy validation dataset
Note that in this case the results correspond to a 17-node
network, so we have 17x16=272 src-dst delay values per line.
However, with the final test dataset we should expect 342 values
per line.
I would like to take this opportunity to
encourage you to register on our evaluation platform in advance
to avoid potential problems before the evaluation phase starts (October
Best regards,
José Suárez-Varela
Barcelona Neural Networking center
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya